Relationship & Wellness portal

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Virtual wellness and Health portal

Unique offering by All in the Family Counselling to give clients 0-24 support facing any kind of mental health issue or relationship issue.

What can I receive?

Allows clients to be totally supported during therapy and allows them to reach goals to greater success.

This Virtual Wellness & Health Portal was made to give people a place which offers them tools to combat modern days' issues. Every client plays a huge role in his own therapy and this Portal is made for those clients who want to make an extra progress in their therapy or simply don't have any time for conventional therapy. Our Worskhops and our categories in Wellness & Mental Health cover wide range of themes and offer means to their ends.

Try our workshops and therapies!

You can try and experience many of our worskhops and medias. Demo will give you only a glimpse of all things you can use on our website. All these, with some time and effort invested, will definitely produce much needed results.

Wellness & Mental Health Portal

Try our free sample materials for Wellness & Mental Health Portal

Happy Hour - Dating & Relationship Education

This will be an interactive education series designed specifically to help you navigate dating and relationships.

You can ask questions about your dating, your relationships or any other questions you may have about men or women and relationships.

Happy Hour

Dating & Relationship Education

Do you want to have better experiences at dating?

  • Do you need help setting boundaries?
  • Do you want better quality dates?
  • Do you want to make dating more fun?
  • Are you wanting new relationship skills and help?
  • Do you want to ask someone about your relationship?
  • Would you love to get your questions answered about your dating?

Themes we’ll be covering

Screening dates from dating apps, how to set healthy boundaries, taking control of your experience and many other relationship topics. Oh, and we’ll talk about sex as well.

Each education series will have a theme but be highly adaptable to the people attending.

Unique offering by All in the Family Counselling to give clients 0-24 support facing any kind of mental health issue or relationship issue

Allows clients to be totally supported during therapy and allows them to reach goals to greater success

We are the ones people come to, when other solutions fail. Baby Sleep Fairy provides an evidence based approach

Online training: Baby Sleep Fairy

We are the ones people come to, when other solutions fail.


Try our free sample materials for BabySleepFairy

Sleep is important

Is your young child suffering from sleep problems such as middle of the night waking, early morning waking and napping or bed time struggles? Baby Sleep Fairy is here to help.

By six months of age children should be sleeping 6 hours in a row and have zero to one feed. By nine months children should be sleeping uninterrupted at night. Indeed, continuing to feed at night reduces the quality of sleep and is indicative of a sleep problem.

BabySleepFairy is a baby and child sleep consulting company that helps parents solve common baby sleep problems.

Baby Sleep Fairy provides an evidence based approach on appropriate baby sleep behaviour, explaining normal child sleep development, defining sleep problems and busting ill-founded, ignorant cultural beliefs about sleep. Parents are assisted in choosing the best approach to solving their child's sleep problems, as Ms. Fontana doesn’t base it on any one method but rather works on a flexible, personal level that is responsive in providing baby sleep help.


I invite you to read my blog, where I explore many of my personal concepts.

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We wish you all the best, and happy mental health

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